Consider Voting “Yes” on Prop. 1!



Please consider voting “yes” on Proposition 1, during early voting now through Oct. 30th or on Nov. 3rd. This proposed amendment to the Texas state constitution would lower property taxes for all Texas homeowners and permanently ban a sales tax on real estate transactions. All Texas homeowners stand to save about $125 per year in property taxes, and blocking any future sales tax on home sales will ensure that more Texas families are able to afford to buy a house.

The attached document, provided by the Texas Association of Realtors, gives a concise but thorough overview of the issues involved.

The wording of the actual ballot measure is extremely complicated, so it is worth reviewing the guide, which breaks it down chunk by chunk and translates it into more accessible language. Here is a short summary. Proposition 1:

  • Increases the state-mandated homestead exemption for public school taxes from $15,000 to $25,000
  • Provides the full beneft of the higher exemption to seniors and disabled Texans
  • Prevents local taxing authorities from “undoing” the property-tax relief delivered by the higher homestead exemption
  • Prohibits state and local governments from ever collecting a sales tax on real estate transactions

For even more information, visit

Typographic sign "YES"

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